Saturday, May 20, 2017

Why is it so expensive to be single?

I haven't posted anything in a while and to be honest I have a long list that I should take care of. But this topic really bugged me and I needed to put it in words.

Why is our society discriminating against singles?

Maybe “discriminate” is a tough word. But if the shoe fits...

The thing is most of what we want is planned for two. I'm not referring to the things that make sense (like buying a racket and realizing, you need a second person to play with). I'm referring to the things that shouldn't have to be or weren't before.

In my case:
I'm currently looking for a new place to live. I'm at an age where I want my own. Before I moved here I even had my own place but now I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area and it seems just impossible.
I don't know about you but I don't earn an insane amount of money that I can spent over 2K in rent every month. So you either have to get roommates or you move in with your significant other. Bottom line you have to find someone else.
If I look at all of my friends and colleagues they either live at home with their parents or they live with their partner, just one or two have roommates.
When you look at low income housing programs a lot of them specify elderly, people with disabilities or families (aka plus ones). And the ones that don't have any specification usually have a two year waiting list.
But what about the hard working single person? My salary is okay. I even earn more than most of the people I know (of whom I know their income) and yet I'm the only one who can't afford her own place! Are my only options for my own place to get a second job again and go back to working 16h/7days or completely move away from the Bay Area?

This is so frustrating!!!

Even if I except that 'as long as I'm alone I won't be able to have my own place' (and that thought just infuriates me) this is not the only thing!

What happened to single rooms in hotels?
For my big birthday in two years my family is planning a cruise. My wonderful sister offered me to stay with them in their family room (two adults, two young children). But it's my big birthday and I want to treat myself to my own little space. But there are no single rooms on the ship! If I want to get my own I still have to pay for a double or bring someone with me to share the double! What is this??

Why is everything around us pressuring us to couple up? Do they think that just because I'm not with someone I've probably focused on my career so much that I should make a ton of money by now to afford being single?
No wonder there are all those desperate people out there looking for someone (and sorry for not being one of them!). Everything around us forces us to find someone to share our rent, our hotel room, (our lives) or even a reclinable chair in the movie theater with.

The topic made me wonder if anyone else feels this way and I realized there are uncountable blogs and articles about this. Apparently single people earn less and are less desirable for a lease. As if the constant bugging of our families isn't hard enough. Even if you're insanely happy, love your job, family and friends and are able to experience the most amazing adventures, the couples around us have the impression that as long as you don't have someone else, you're missing something.

So to all the other happy, hard-working single girls and boys out there, don't let them pressure you into anything. 
We might not get what we want today but - watch out world - one day we will!  

...even if it's something as simple as our own little home.

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