Thursday, October 29, 2015

Back To The Future Hearts Tour - Sleeping With Sirens

It's time to tackle the co-headliner Sleeping With Sirens.

Lee Ann Jaenicke

I have to admit I didn't really know a lot about Sleeping with Sirens when I went to the concert. I stumble over the name once in a while at work but I wasn't familiar with their music. To be honest I mistook them for a different band and I was very pleasantly surprised when I heard them perform!

Sleeping with Sirens had a longer acoustic part in their set that surprised me even more. Although there were some touching moment during their set (frontman Kellin Quinn talking about his kid and dedicating a song to the little one), the band and the fans go so WILD! It was fun to watch. 
"A picture is worth a thousand words" - So here we go:

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

#sleepingwithsirens #backtothefutureheartstour #sanjose #citynationalcivic #kellinquinn #justinhills #gabebarham #jackfowler #nickmartin #alexhoward

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Back To The Future Hearts Tour - Neck Deep

Next up: Neck Deep


I personally got very excited when I heard that Neck Deep would join the Back To The Future Hearts Tour. 
I wanted to check them out during Warped Tour but sadly one of my interviews was at the exact same time they were on so I just caught the last 30 seconds of their set.

This time I got to see the whole set and got to be up close.

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke
#neckdeep #backtothefuturehearts #sanjose #citynationalcivic #benbarlow #mattwest #filthorpeevans #daniwashington

Back To The Future Hearts Tour - One OK Rock

Let's kick things off with the Japanese rock band One OK Rock.

I gotta admit I was surprised about the huge following the band has in the SF Bay Area. And even though they started their set at 6pm, the fans went wild. After the set you had to squeeze somewhere safe if you didn't want to get trampled by the crowd that stormed out to meet the guy in person.

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

#oneokrock #backtothefuturehearts #sanjose #citynationalcivic #Taka #Toru #Ryota #Tomoya #nofilter

Back To The Future Hearts Tour - Official eventseeker photo feature

My legs are still sore from the All Time Low & Sleeping with Sirens concert at the City National Civic in San Jose!

Lee Ann Jaenicke

I used a new technique and took a ridiculous amount of pictures that took me over a day to sort through.

This is my official eventseeker photo feature of the concert!

But since I'm always limited on the amount of pictures, I'm going to share some more on this blog. Also I got bummed out because none of the Neck Deep pics got chosen.. And I felt bad because the band is great and they really deserve recognition!
So stay tuned!

#alltimelow #sleepingwithsirens #oneokrock #neckdeep #citynationalcivic 
#backtothefuturehearts #sanjose #eventseeker #photofeature

Friday, October 23, 2015

17 Mile Drive - Pacific Grove

On the second day of the trip we had a complete black out. There was no electricity, internet or phone reception. The question was: What to do during a complete black out??

After we found the one store (what felt like in the whole area) that was still open and got some water, we headed to the 17 Mile Drive and enjoyed the beach.
I was sitting in the sand and enjoying the day without even bothering to look at the time and it was pure tranquility.
The truth is a day without phone, internet and electricity is not as bad as most people think. It actually feels like a little vacation for the soul and mind.

I took a handful of pictures of waves and beaches but since I've been there twice, I took this trip as a chance to relax rather than sightseeing.

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke

Lee Ann Jaenicke
This is one happy me

#17MileDrive #Blackout #Waves #Seagulls #Beaches #Tranquility #PacificGrove