Sunday, July 8, 2018

Embrace Change - Don't Fear It

Half a year ago I wrote this piece and I feel like it's overdue to be shared:

In the beginning of the year I changed jobs and it was another proof for how scary and amazing change is.

I've been working for my old company for almost six years. I pretty much started there when I moved to the US and it was the one constant throughout all those years.
The job gave me a feeling of security. I knew I was appreciated and trusted and my bosses always made me feel special and gave me lots of flexibility.
When I thought I would be losing my job, I was terrified. I created job profiles and send out applications. Amazing enough my bosses kept me on. I was incredibly relieved. Since the future wasn't set I decided to leave my profile up, but stopped applying. Still companies reached out and apart from one opportunity - I was interested in, but ended up not getting - I pretty much refused all offers. I didn't care for more money or opportunities they offered, I loved my job and my company and I didn't intend to leave.
But then something amazing happened. The number one company I wanted to work for, but never applied to, because I couldn't find a job offer that fit my skills, reached out on their own. I got an interview, but even though it went great I tried to keep my expectations down. But then I got offered the position. It was like a work fairy tale.
I had trouble believing it. Even after I got the offer letter and went through the background check (there was nothing to be found but I thought maybe they'd change their minds in the meantime). The moment it really sunk in was when I gave my two weeks notice. Talking to my bosses and colleagues made me realize, this is going to happen now.
I started to realize the choice I had to make. I would have to leave my job... I was torn and even considered turning the offer down. But how could I...
"The best things in life come after fear" Thank you, Will Smith. Those words couldn't be any more true!
I was happy at my old job, I loved the people I was working with and I was incredibly comfortable. But I knew it was time to move forward.
I didn't expect to like the next job as much as the old one. Or the people as much as my former colleagues. But surprisingly enough all things I wished for came true.
I'm even happier now than I've ever been before. I embraced the change, instead of fearing it and it turned out to be a decision I didn't regret in the slightest bit.
Looking back at my work past, I realized it's a reoccurring pattern.
I'm always so happy and sad to leave. But the next opportunity is always a step up. And I always end up way happier than before. It was like that when I left the store to work at the airport, when I left the airport to work full-time as an editor, and now that I left that position to work for the company I always wanted to work for.
It might not always be this way. I know it can't keep getting better, how could it? But let's get intellectual for a moment and quote John Greenleaf Whittier: "Of all words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'it might have been'."
Don't waste your opportunities and spend your life wondering if something could've worked out. It's better to try and fail, than to miss out and wonder. And don't worry too much about failing. After all, failure teaches us more than success does.

However, I also realized that my view of the change made a big difference.
Even though I don't like change very much, I always try to embrace it.
I try to keep my expectations down while trying to look forward to learning something new and getting new and different experiences.

It worked well for me so far. I hope it will do the same for you. Just don't be afraid!